Dealers License Tip 1:


So you got your dealers license?  How to sign up at the dealer auction...

Get your dealers license out! Before buying or selling at the dealer auction, you need to register at each dealer auction you attend, so you need a dealers license. In other words, you sometimes have to separately register at each auction you go to - even if the auction is owned by the same company, but once you have your dealers license, it's all a snap!


 Dealers License Tip 2:

Certain national dealer license auctions however, allow you to register once at your local auction and you will have access to their auctions nationwide without separately registering with your dealers license.  For example, “Manheim” follows this procedure.


Dealers License Tip 3:

Valuable dealers license tip:  Find out what days are NOT the auction days and register on that day with your dealers license.  It will be much less crowded and parking will not be a problem.  In fact, on dealers license - required auction days, you may not even be allowed in the parking lot even if you tell them you are there to register your dealers license.


Dealers License Tip 4:

When you go to the auction to register with your dealers license, they will give you a “packet” with several forms to fill out.  The forms are numerous and don't forget to bring your dealers license.  Expect to spend 15 to 30 minutes filling out the paperwork at the auction after you get your dealers license.

  If time is not of the essence, or if you forgot to bring your dealers license, ask them to mail you a packet, so that you can fill out the paperwork at home at your own comfort and leisure.

 Dealers License Tip 5:

When you finish completing the dealers license auction paperwork, simply give the completed paperwork to the dealer registration employee.  If everything looks good, they will typically take your picture on the spot and print up a card for you.  It’s that simple!

Remember, bring all necessary documents such as your driver license and of course your DEALERS LICENSE!